I remember as a kid how I used to wait for Christmas. Christmas would hold a special attachment to most of the kids, the festival being associated with Santa Claus, a month filled with happiness and merry making, baking and yes playing secret Santa!
Secret Santa filled us with the anticipation of receiving gifts.Last week my daughter and her class mates played secret Santa.I helped her pack her handmade gift for her friend. And that's when the idea of this post came along!
Gifting is an art.The gift should be such that it strikes a chord with the receiver.Try to learn what gift would please the receiver. The way you present your gift also talks about the extra effort you have put in to bring a smile across!
Let us today have a look at some interesting DIY that will help you pack your gifts during this Christmas and New year. These are very simple ones,can be easily practiced even by kids guided by adults.The ideas matter, rest is easy. They are not at all expensive and can be easily made from things lying around your home.So sit back, relax, learn wrapping techniques and enjoy the process of gifting with your loved ones.
1 A simple DIY with brown paper

You can wrap the gift with brown paper or any other colour and either draw to give a wrapped effect or use twines and alphabetical cut outs from newspapers to complete the look! Here you can also spell the entire name and or just the initials.Either way the wrapping gives the gift a very personal touch.
This might a look bit difficult but once you get the knack it's relatively simpler. The method is the same to work with both the twines and paper strips.Pass the strips over and under the strip alternately to create this arrangement.The number of strips or twine used depends upon your creativity and imagination and whether you would want to cover the entire surface.You can make this arrangement either on the centre or on the sides of the surface.
Secret Santa filled us with the anticipation of receiving gifts.Last week my daughter and her class mates played secret Santa.I helped her pack her handmade gift for her friend. And that's when the idea of this post came along!
Gifting is an art.The gift should be such that it strikes a chord with the receiver.Try to learn what gift would please the receiver. The way you present your gift also talks about the extra effort you have put in to bring a smile across!
Let us today have a look at some interesting DIY that will help you pack your gifts during this Christmas and New year. These are very simple ones,can be easily practiced even by kids guided by adults.The ideas matter, rest is easy. They are not at all expensive and can be easily made from things lying around your home.So sit back, relax, learn wrapping techniques and enjoy the process of gifting with your loved ones.
1 A simple DIY with brown paper

You can wrap the gift with brown paper or any other colour and either draw to give a wrapped effect or use twines and alphabetical cut outs from newspapers to complete the look! Here you can also spell the entire name and or just the initials.Either way the wrapping gives the gift a very personal touch.
Such a simple sweet way to personalize. It doesn't cost a dime too!
2.Bring in the Christmas spirit
Use buttons to make a snowman or Christmas tree.Fasten the buttons by sticking or sewing them. Alternatively use sponge and colours to dab a Christmas on your gift wrapping paper. It is a fun activity and ideal to include the kids too!
3. With twines and paper strips
4. A paper butterfly.
Isn't that a very pretty design.Cut out shapes of a butterfly either on newspaper, printed paper or coloured paper. For each design cut out 3 such pieces.Stick the first piece entirely on the surface & second and third butterfly partially on the first one to give a fluttering look.Now you can paste as many as you want.If they are coloured ones ,they will look awesome I tell you! Not only butterfly , you can even make the cut out in various other shapes like floral motifs or birds.
5.Heart prints from a potato and cookie cutters
Cut a potato into two halves.Insert the cookie cutter and get the desired shape. Immerse it into a bowl of paint and there you go.Make interesting patterns and designs.Add contrast by immersing the heart shaped potato in different colour. An effective way to get the best wrapping paper at no extra cost and one that also fuels our creativity!
6. Draw, cut and paste
A very simple one. Of course it is step wise and well explained so that I need not Blahh...blah...
7. Cloth wrappers
Sometimes we have small fabrics left and can't think of any other worthwhile use for it, at that moment but do save them for a later use.You never know when they can come handy.Yes, fabrics can be used to cover and wrap gifts attractively. I found this way rather imaginative and useful when it comes to gift kitchen essentials or say a recipe or a cook book.How cute is that with a wooden spoon?
So I have given you ideas and you can share with me how you implemented it or arrived at a better one of your own.
I tried them too to gift my nephews.This is the result.
I tried them too to gift my nephews.This is the result.
Have a Fantastic Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you all in 2016!