Sanskriti Museums are a set of three museums namely, Museum of Everyday Art, Museum of Indian Terracotta and Textile Museum.
I came across this wonderful museum accidentally and I have made a mental note to visit the place, next time for sure,when Iam in the country capital.

Terracotta has been around since the early days of civilization.A potter can be found in any village in India. from the earthen pots to store water to pretty figurines, terracotta has come a long way.At SANSKRITI its also a regular practice to invite artists from around India to display their work at the museum.
The Sanskriti Museum of Indian textiles was inaugurated on the 4th January 2009 by the Hon Chief Minister of Delhi Mrs Sheila Dikshit.
The Museum intends to serve as a resource for the study of Indian textile traditions.After a glance at these marvels we can be proud of a varied heritage.let the pics below be a window to the enormous collection they have at sanskriti....
These are the usual objects that one can find in many Indian household.The craftmanship of these objects are to be appreciated and SANSKRITI makes it possible.Objects used throughout the cycle of life from childhood to old age are exhibited here.
This was only a peek into our tradition and culture.The ultimate experience would be to visit the museum. Iam sure all art enthusiast would not give it a miss.